Project Description
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Healing for body and mind
A ground-breaking therapy based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.
Vibroacoustics can:
Reduce stress & anxiety
Improve sleep & mood
Improve digestion
Increase immunity
Relieve muscle tension & chronic pain
Increase focus & mental clarity
Increase blood circulation
Reduce blood pressure
Minimize Pain
Reduce arthritis pain
Promote serenity
Provides massage
Increase sensory awareness
Reduce nausea, headaches, fatigue & depression
Improve range of motion
Lower blood pressure
Stimulate lymphatic flow
Calm the autonomic nervous system Decreases spasms and tremors (Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis).
Vibroacoustic Therapy uses low frequencies and therapeutic music delivered through special speakers called transducers. As a person’s body has contact with the embedded speakers, the music is sent from the source into the transducers and then is felt by the body as vibration and heard by the ears as sound.
The vibro-tactile input stimulates nerve bundles along the spine, up into the brainstem and then through the limbic system. In addition, the sound stimulates the medulla in the brain stem and activates the auditory nerve that connects with all the muscles of the body.
These reactions signal the body to relax and flood the brain with mood-lifting chemicals. In addition, the low frequencies also cause a relaxation of the tissues and a dilation of blood vessels and an opening of the lymphatic pathways which in turn increases the body’s ability to heal which brings your nervous system from Sympathetic (fight or flight) to Parasympathetic (rest, relax and repair).
Medical and Mindful Disclaimer
Frequency and vibration can have a profound impact on your mind, body, and spirit. Please use caution before, during, and after your experience with inHarmony’s technology.
If you have questions about whether inHarmony is right for you, consult your doctor or another trusted health advisor to ensure a safe and beneficial experience
Conditions to Consult Your Doctor About
Cancer in Metastasis – Enhanced circulation could influence the spread of cancer cells.
Especially in the early stages, as the effects of vibrations and frequencies are not fully understood.
Severe Cardiovascular and/or Respiratory Conditions
Vibrations, depending on intensity, may aggravate or overwhelm these conditions.
Vibrations may trigger seizures in susceptible individuals.
Severe Neurological Disorders
For precautionary reasons, consult your healthcare provider.
Thrombosis or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Increased circulation may pose risks in individuals with clots.
Additional Medical Considerations Our technology may also require caution in the presence of:
– Acute inflammatory conditions.
– Psychotic conditions.
– Hemorrhaging or active bleeding.
– Hypotonia (low muscle tone).
Most of these are available in *11-, 22- or 33-minute sessions
417Hz – I am Transformed Volume 2*
Facilitating change, calming intense feelings, and building inner strength are some benefits of this solfeggio frequency. It clears out bad energy in your body, mind, and physical environment. It is also thought to undo negative outcomes caused by harmful or traumatic situations.
396Hz – I release Guilt and Fear Volume 2*
This track brings about feelings of safety, security, and well-being. It is believed to help reduce fear, guilt, and stress, as well as promote contentment and relaxation. This frequency may also help bring about a sense of inner peace, clarity, and understanding.
285Hz – I am Rejuvenated Volume 2*
Associated with cell repair, specifically tissue healing and the repair of injuries such as fractures, burns, skin lacerations and organ damage. The healing nature of this frequency helps boost the immune system, aiding T and B cell health for better protection against viruses.
Initiation – 11 Minutes
Watashi is a dynamic DJ and producer blending bass-heavy beats with ethereal soundscapes, creating immersive sonic experiences that resonate with both the body and soul.
852 Hz – I am Intuitive*
Redirects the conscious mind away from stressful, invasive, and anxiety-driven thoughts that are unhealthy. Helps to alleviate over-thinking tendencies and feelings of worry. Reduce anxiety and nervousness, ground in and lift off. Connect to spirit. Associated with the Third-Eye chakra.
528 Hz – I am Pure Love – 22 Minutes
Helps with healing and restoring the body, this frequency can directly interact with the cells in our bodies. 528 Hz helps to reduce stress, leading to lower blood pressure, a reduction of the effects of alcohol consumption, while promoting reproductive function.
174 Hz – My Body is Aligned Volume 2*
The low frequency relaxes muscles, reducing stress and acting as a natural analgesic or pain reliever. People who use this frequency report finding relief from back pain, migraines, knee pain, and more.
432 Hz – Alignment – 11 Minutes, 22 Minutes
Listening to music tuned to 432Hz is believed to promote healing and relaxation by aligning the natural resonance of the earth and enhancing the listener’s sense of peace and well-being.
528 Hz – Inner Vision – 24 Minutes
This is a deep inward journey of self-exploration where inner vision allows you to uncover the deepest truths within you.
432Hz – Quantum Healing Tones C# – 33 Minutes
Music tuned to C# can promote deep emotional release and enhance spiritual awareness, aligning the listener with a sense of inner harmony and universal connection.
Golden Orb Meditation – 23 Minutes
Joanna has been a healer and teacher for 15 years. Her life work with Ritual Metta aims to bring worthiness and integrated awakenings to her clients in profound yet digestible ways.
Dynamic Breathwork – 22 Minutes
Ben Holt guides you through a dynamic breathwork exercise.
Release – 28 Minutes
This track was created with the intention of assisting the listener with releasing anything that does not resonate or serve them anymore. (Weight Loss renamed and expanded.)
System Reset Experience #1 – 9 Minutes
NOAJAON also known as Pavel Stuchlik. With over 15 years’ experience traveling the world and immersing himself in some of the most rigorous teachings, NOA ha become an expert in transformation, self-realization and harmonious living.
Heart (Chapter 2) *
The heart chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the center of love, compassion, and emotional balance, located in the chest near the heart.
Heart – 15 Minutes
The heart chakra serves as our center of love of oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words.
Crown – 16 Minutes
The crown chakra is the last of the seven chakras or energy centers at the top of the head, representing spiritual consciousness and transformation.
You are listening to the sounds and frequency of the sacral chakra the second chakra. It is thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expressions, emotions, and more.
Slumber – 11 Minutes, 22 Minutes
This track was designed to help those needing assistance with falling asleep.
471 Hz – Ancestral Healing*
This track was designed and tunes to 417hz to help heal from past trauma and promote ancestral healing.
inHarmony Demo #2 – 5 Minutes
A 5 minute 30 second track designed to fully display the technologies capabilities.
System Reset Experience #3 – 17 Minutes
System Reset Experience #2 – 7 Minutes
NOAJAON also known as Pavel Stuchlik. With over 15 years’ experience traveling the world and immersing himself in some of the most rigorous teachings, NOA has become an expert in transformation, self-realization and harmonious living.
Ripples – 10 Minutes
This musical collaboration between Vibonacci and HOHM. It is a beautiful journey that will make you feel as though you are floating in water, allowing yourself to wander wherever you may go.
inHarmony Overview – 9 Minutes
A 9-minute track designed to fully display the technologies capabilities.
86 Hz – 22 Minutes
80 Hz – 22 Minutes
68 Hz – 22 Minutes
60 Hz – 22 Minutes
Maintain your awareness when using these frequencies, they can have a profound impact on the mind, body and spirit.
40 Hz – 22 Minutes
Maintain your awareness when using these frequencies, they can have a profound impact on the mind, body and spirit. 40 Hz has proven to be particularly beneficial to the brain increasing cognition, clarity and alertness.
30 H – 22 Minutes
Maintain your awareness when using these frequencies, they can have a profound impact on the mind, body and spirit.
Breath of the Wind*
This is an ultra-deep dive journey. You will hear the beautiful sounds of rain and thunder recorded in Bali, coupled with the native flute and the acoustic guitar leading to deep relaxation. This is an ultra-deep dive journey.
963 Hz – I am Connected to my Higher Self*
A solfeggio frequency, which is good for anxiety. Clears mental fog, while facilitating a connection with core feelings of humanity. Helps to establish a stronger and deeper connection with the divine.
639 Hz – I am in Harmony with my Surroundings*
This frequency is related to our body’s connection to self-love and the love we feel towards others while promoting the state of mind required to heal relationships that have been broken and the ability to be compassionate and kind, leading to a peaceful and harmonious life.
Throat – 11 Minutes
The throat chakra acts as the body’s communication hub. It’s where you find your voice, speak your truth, and sing praises for yourself and others. This chakra is associated with speaking up and expressing yourself but also with hearing and being heard.
Solar Plexus – 8 Minutes
The solar plexus chakra is the third of the seven chakras and is located around the belly button in the stomach area. It represents confidence, self-esteem, and personal power.
Reflection – 24 Minutes
Designed to help you deepen the practice of reflecting on any area of your life.
Rain Forest – 31 Minutes
Allow yourself to melt to raw sounds of the rain forest. This track has no temp or structure. It is meant to make you drift into a space of timelessness and connect with nature. Allow yourself to melt to raw sounds of the rain forest.
432 Hz – Patience – 30 Minutes
This track has been designed to cultivate the practice of patience. There is no temp, no structure to allow you to release any expectations of when something should or should not happen within the song and feel a sense of timelessness.
Ocean Dreams – 11 Minutes, 25 Minutes
Take a plunge into the deep blue sea and allow yourself to float with the sea creatures in peace for this oceanic nervous system reset.
Inspiration – 24 Minutes
Designed to ignite the souls’ flame. To be inspired means to be “in spirit”.
Grief – 11 Minutes
This track was created to help people have a safe place to process grief.
396 Hz – The Deep Om – 30 Minutes
285 Hz – The Deep Om – 29 Minutes
174 Hz – The Deep Om – 26 Minutes
The Deep Om series gives you a full-bodied experience of allowing yourself to melt into the primordial sound of the universe, the Sacred Om.
Clarity – 25 Minutes
Helping the listener find clarity and move through any mental obstacles.
Anxiety – 11 Minutes
Feeling anxious? Let your nervous system be brought back to a state of calm and ease.
Addiction – 22 Minutes
This track is intended to aid and assist those wanting to recover or break free from their addiction. Laced underneath the music, you will hear an isochronic tone of 7.5 Hz which has been said to help with addictive behaviors.
417 Hz – Just the Didge*
Enjoy the power of sounds tuned to 417 Hz which is associated with the sacral chakra and clearing trauma.
Releasing Trauma*
Use this track to work with releasing trauma.
Power Session – 6 Minutes
Morning Ritual – 25 Minutes
Mid-Day Reset – 16 Minutes
100 Hz Gamma Meditation – 10 Minutes
Focus – 10 Minutes
Energy – 10 Minutes
CO2 Healing – 7 Minutes
Pavel Stuchlik is an expert in self-realization technique and application, international conscious DJ/Producer, serial impact entrepreneur and investor, and certified peace ambassador.
Walking Each Other Home*
Cloud People are a sound healing duo that has been bringing sound healing journeys for over 7 years. This is a special journey made just for you.
Schumann Resonance – 23 Minutes
The Schumann Resonance refers to the naturally occurring electromagnetic frequencies in Earth’s ionosphere, predominantly at around 7.83 Hz, influenced by lightning discharges and atmospheric conditions.
Root – Crown – 22 Minutes
This takes you through all 7 chakras from the root to the crown.
Expansive Sky*
Lynda Arnold, founder of Sonic Devas Devine Feminine Sound Meditative Experience is a Sound Meditation Facilitator and seasoned performer.
La Sirena – 22 Minutes
Lay back and enjoy the sounds of La Sirena (the siren) in this beautiful handpan experience.
432 Hz – Alpha Binaural Beat*
Binaural beats in the alpha frequencies are thought to encourage relaxation, promote positivity, and decrease anxiety.
Releasing Anger – 11 Minutes
Help move through rage and anger and take you into full surrender, leaving you blissfully empty.
Root (Chapter 2) *
The root chakra, or Muladhara, represents the foundation of physical and emotional well-being, stability and a sense of groundedness in life.
Solar Plexus (Chapter 2) *
The solar plexus chakra is the third of the seven chakras and is located around the belly button in the stomach area. It represents confidence, self-esteem, and personal power.
Throat (Chapter 2) *
The throat chakra acts as the body’s communication hub. It’s where you find your voice, speak your truth, and sing praises for yourself and others. This chakra is associated with speaking up and expressing yourself but also with hearing and being heard.
Third Eye (Chapter 2) *
The Third Eye chakra fosters intuition, insight and inner wisdom, enhancing one’s ability to perceive beyond the physical realm.
Crown (Chapter 2) *
The crown chakra is the last of the seven chakras or energy centers at the top of the head, representing spiritual consciousness and transformation.
Sacral (Chapter 2) – 11 Minutes
You are listening to the sounds and frequency of the sacral chakra the second chakra. It is thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expressions, emotions, and more.
Crown – Root – 22 Minutes
This takes you through all 7 chakras from the crown to the root.
Abundance – 13 Minutes
Let this session take you on a journey of feeling just how abundant you are!
432 Hz – Releasing Old Stories – 30 Minutes
432 Hz frequencies help you to lean into this journey to release any old stories that you may feel held back by.
Unlimited use of Vibroacoustic Sound Loung, Halotherapy bed, Far-infrared Sauna, Hydro-Derma Fusion, Red Light Therapy, Lumiere Facial, Massage Chair, VersaSpa Spray Tan, and K-1 Vibration Platform.
1 Month $149
3 Month $399
6 Month $729
Self-Spa Platinum
Unlimited use of Self Spa services plus all 4 UV tanning units.
1 Month $159
3 Month $429
6 Month $789
Platinum Tanning
Unlimited use of Platinum Bed, Platinum Stand Up and, VIP Beds
1 Month $69
3 Month $169
6 Month $279
Add K1 Platform to any PIF package $20/month
Student, Military, Police, Firefighter, EMT, Seniors 60+: $10 off any PIF package.
Spa Memberships
Unlimited time/day use of equipment
$30 enrollment
Self-Spa: $109 per month
Self-Spa Platinum: $119 + 3.23 tan tax
$20 enrollment fee
UV Platinum: $49/mo. + 4.40 tan tax
Each Membership includes:
- Unlimited use of that equipment
- 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
- Product consultation with 20% off at enrollment
- $10 off Massages, Facials or Body Treatments (excludes Body Wraps)
- $10 off Full Body Airbrush Tans
- $10 off Float Sessions
- Free Level 3 VersaSpa Tans ($5 savings)
- Member Appreciation Days product discounts
- “Freeze” your membership for $5 per month (while frozen, members may purchase Self-Spa Sessions for $20 and Tanning Sessions for $10
- Add a member to your membership for $10 less than original member price.
- Student, Military, Police, Firefighter, Seniors 60+: $10 off any $10/Month off any Membership.
Session Packages
(Must be used within 12 months)
Sessions 1 3 6 10
Float $59 $149 $279 $449
Self-Spa $35 $79 $119 $159
Platinum $12 $33 $60 $90
Student, Military, Police, Firefighter, EMT, Seniors 60+:
Buy 10 sessions, get 3 free
Local Military, Police, Firefighter – First Float is FREE! Thank you for your service!
A Day at the Self-Spa Devoted to You.
Four Services $89 – Three Services $79 – Two Services $69
Choose from: Vibroacoustic Therapy, Halotherapy, Massage Chair, K1 Vibration Platform, Far-infrared Sauna or Hydro-Derma Fusion, Collagen Building Red Light Therapy, Lumiére Facial, UV Therapy and the VersaSpa Spray Tan.
A few soundtrack options are:
My body is Cleansed 741 Hz
I am Pure Love 528 Hz
My Body is Aligned 174 Hz
I am rejuvenated 285 Hz
A journey through 40 Hz
Ancestral Healing
Releasing Trauma
Ocean Dreams-nervous system reset
I am connected to my higher self 963 Hz More options are available.
Sessions are 11 to 33 minutes.
Vibroacoustic Therapy is included in our Self Spa packages that also include: Lumiere Facial, Massage Chair, Far Infrared Saunas, Hydration Station, Halo Therapy, K1 Vibration Platform, Full Body Red Light and the Versaspa Spray tan booth.
Unlimited Monthly packages:
1 Month $149
3 Months $399
6 Months $729
1 Sesson $35
3 Sessions $79
6 Sessions $119
10 Sessions $159
Spa Membership (12 Month) $109/Mo

Prices are subject to change without notice.
Revive Spa provides a cash incentive to customers that choose to pay with cash.
For our safety and yours, picture ID required for credit card use.
A customer convenience fee of 4% will be applied to all credit/debit card store sales.
Gift Cards Available!
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Ask your Therapist about their Frequent Spa Program
Earn $10 with each visit!