Project Description

Floatation Therapy


Floatation Therapy


The first time you Float at reVive Spa you will need to come 15-20 minutes early to fill out some paperwork, read “How To Float” and get introduced to the routine.

Download our HowToFloat guide

Before your Float

  • Have a light meal about 90 minutes before.
  • Don’t shave or wax before
  • Don’t drink caffeine before
  • Remove your contacts
  • Should not be menstruating
  • No hair dye 48 hours before
  • No Spray Tans or Bronzing Lotions 48 hours before
  • Do not drink alcohol before

How often should you Float?

How often you float is an individual choice. Try Floating at least 3 times. Here’s why: On your first float you are likely going to be highly alert and little concerned because you’re in a foreign environment. Perfectly normal. Most people spend their first session getting comfortable with their surrounds. On your second float, you’ll be familiar with the process and you’ll likely have a relaxing time. By the time your third float comes around, you’ll be comfortable, you know what to expect, and really be able to relax and let go. Once you let go, the magic happens. When you’re not worried about sinking, falling asleep or breathing, you really start to have insightful experiences.

Float tank (aka floatation tank, sensory deprivation tank, or isolation tank)

Session Packages

1 Session $59

3 Sessions $149

6 Sessions $279

10 Sessions $449


First Float is Free for local Military, Police, Veterans, and First-Responders.

Thank you for your service!

Benefits of Floating:

The basic concept is that floating reduces external stimuli as much as possible to help the body achieve a natural restorative state. Some people compare the experience of floating to meditation or yoga.

Tanks specifically designed for sensory deprivation or floating were created in the 1950s but gained popularity in the 1970s when it became known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (or REST). Dr. John Lilly, a neuroscientist who worked for the National Institutes of Health and specialized in cognition and brain activity helped pioneer the research during this time.

Since then, floating has been used for a variety of reasons, both anecdotal and scientifically backed:

  • Stress reduction
  • Anxiety relief
  • Sports recovery
  • Pain relief
  • To promote relaxation
  • Reduce headaches
  • Increased circulation
  • For more restful sleep
  • To learn to meditate

When you get to the tank, open the door just to feel the weight of it. It is very light. If you close the door while inside the tank, it is completely dark and that may be disorienting. When you get in and before you lie down, open and close the door several times, noticing how it feels different from the other surfaces . If you try to open the door and it doesn’t open, it’s not the door.

Many people have some fear or concern before they use the tank the first time. Fears such as being alone in the dark, drowning, not having enough air, claustrophobia, and others. The fears are usually the thought or the idea that YOU won’t be in control of the situation, but in this situation you are totally in control. You can go in and out of the tank as you please. You can use the tank with the door completely open, you can keep it partially open, or you can close it. There is no particular way to use the tank that is more correct than another. Any way you use it, that is comfortable for you, is correct

Prices are subject to change without notice.

Revive Spa provides a cash incentive to customers that choose to pay with cash. 

For our safety and yours, picture ID required for credit card use.

A customer convenience fee of 4% will be applied to all credit/debit card store sales.

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Prices are subject to change without notice.
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