IV Therapy


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Why IV Therapy?

IV therapy can be more effective at correcting nutritional deficiencies than taking oral supplements. IVs bypass the digestive system and head straight for the cell. For example, if you are low on stomach acid or digestive enzymes, you may not absorb all the benefits of oral vitamins and supplements. Patients sometimes need intravenous IVs until their gut heals.


Generally, nutritional IVs contain vitamins and minerals. High doses of vitamin C are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and required for healing of tissues.


B vitamins are almost always included in the IV treatments because all the vitamins and their mineral co-factors are used heavily when there is illness to make enzymes.


Magnesium is needed to treat many conditions including pain, muscle spasms, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and migraine headaches.


A nutritional IV may also contain lipoic acid because it is protective and healing to the liver; it is especially good for any type of liver disease.


IV therapies put nutrients back into the body at a higher concentration and improve the ability of cells to detoxify, repair and regenerate.


Many chronic illnesses & conditions stem from your bodies INABILITY to absorb and utilize nutrients that are required to sustain the health of every individual cell in your body; the entrance door is closed and nothing can get in.


On the back side, this means that your body is also unable to get rid of all the byproducts, “leftovers” & toxins…the exits are closed as well.


Intravenous therapies bypass the above blockades and help with their removal by strengthening all of your body’s cells and enhancing your detoxification organs.


“The results can be profound” Keri Topouzian, D.O.

How to get an appointment:

IV’s will be administered on Wednesdays. IV’s must be paid for in advance by the previous Friday at 3pm so they can be ordered and formulated by our compounding pharmacy.


If you want an IV that does not require bloodwork you may stop in or call the spa to pay for your IV and set up your appointment.


If you need bloodwork, you will need a blood work requisition form. Bloodwork is done once. The Bloodwork Requisition Form is available on our website or you may stop by the spa and pick it up. Once you have your blood drawn, the lab will mail the results to the spa and they will be given to the nurse who will contact you with further instructions.


Once you pay for your IV and set up your appointment, you are all set. If by some chance, you are unable to make your appointment, there are unfortunately no refunds due to the short shelf life of the IV fluids.


Your first appointment for an IV or injection will require forms be filled out so you will have a paperwork appointment to fill out your Consent Form and a Male or Female questionnaire. These are available on line at www.reviveselfspa.com  if you would like to fill them out before you arrive. Bring them with you to your appointment.

IV Consent Form
Blood work Requisition Form
Male questionnaire
Female questionnaire

Everything IV

45-60 minutes to administer

Improves Oxidative Stress, removes toxins, relieves stress, pain, tense muscles, headaches, improve energy, brain fog & function, relieves inflammation, fights viruses.

Myers Cocktail with High Dose Vitamin C

Myers w/Vitamin C 25g – $239
(blood work required)
45-60 minutes to administer

You could benefit if you have any of the following:

Malabsorption, Brain Fog, Asthma, Fatigue, Morning Sickness, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Upper Respiratory Infections, Urticaria (chronic hives, Athletic Performance, Seasonal Allergies, PMS, Muscle Cramps, Anxiety, Accelerate healing of viral infections (Herpes, Shingles, Influenza, etc), Hangover, Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal.

Myers Cocktail with Levocarnitine

Myers w/Levocarniting – $209

45-60 minutes to administer
You could benefit if you have any of the following:
Same as Myers w/Vitamin C plus this stimulates energy and fat burning. Brain repair (concussions, brain fog, poor cognition, memory loss, dementia)

Immune Boost

Immune Boost – $229
(blood work required)
45-60 minutes to administer
You could benefit if you have any of the following:

Frequent colds, prevents colds and viruses, immune compromised, auto immune disease, on chemo therapy.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium Chloride 
45-60 minutes to administer

You could benefit if you have any of the following:
Migraine Headaches, muscle spasms & twitches, asthma, anxiety, depression, rapid heartbeat, restless leg syndrome

Myers IV Push

Myers IV Push – $109
5-15 minutes to administer
You could benefit if you have any of the following:

Same as Myers w/Vitamin C, this is a smaller, quicker dose.

Other Injections available

Other Injections available
appointment required

Lipo-B Fat burning shots contain fat burning amino acids which helps liver process fat to excrete fat soluble toxins assisting weight loss, detoxification and hormone balancing. Improves memory, mood, fatigue and prevents anemia. $25

B-Complex energy shots help to prevent headaches, improve energy and mood, balance hormones, supports adrenals, immune system and skin health. $25

The Immune Boost Shot – Engystol! A prescription-only homeopathic injection. Strengthens the natural immune response against viral infections including Influenza, Adenovirus, Herpes Simplex and RSV. Reduces recovery time and severity of cold & flu symptoms. Indicated for immune system support to reduce severity and duration of symptoms in viral infections, particularly in the early stages of colds and influenza-like illnesses. Cost is $35 and it lasts 4-6 weeks. Available for any age group. $35

Dr. Keri Topouzian

Keri Topouzian D.O., FAAAM, FACOEP Diplomate, American Board of Functional – Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Keri Topouzian is a Board Certified Physician that specializes in Functional, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine. He is a holistic physician that seeks out the underlying/root cause of illness, tayloring therapy to the patient’s bio-chemistry and individual needs. M Many therapies include new, old and forgotten science-based medicine. Dr. Topouzian has been practicing for 30+ years and received his degree in Osteopathic Medicine from Kansas City University of Medicine. He is double-board certified in Emergency Medicine and is board certified in Anti-aging/Functional Medicine.


Dr. Topouzian works out of Revive Spa 2 days per month. If you are interested in an appointment, call his office in Bloomfield Hills at 248-302-0473 or email at


For More IV Info




A 4% Convenience Fee is applied to all credit and debit card purchases. We gladly take cash and personal checks.